Common Uniform Mistakes Made By Businesses|

Common Uniform Mistakes Made By Businesses

The vast majority of businesses will require their employees to wear a uniform these days, whether they’re in the hospitality industry or the construction industry, and there are multiple benefits associated with uniforms. Not only will a uniform improve the first impressions of your business, but it will ensure your employees are easily identifiable too and when you get it right, your uniform is arguably one of the best marketing tools available. 

Unfortunately, not every business gets their uniform right though and so many end up making the same mistakes in this regard. If you would like to order new uniforms for your business and you’re keen to get things right the first time around, below we have looked into some of the most common uniform mistakes businesses tend to make. 

Ordering from the wrong uniform company

There are so many different uniform companies to choose from nowadays and ordering from the wrong one can cause a whole host of problems. Not only can you end up paying above the odds for uniform items that are poor quality, but you might also have to wait weeks for your new uniform to be delivered. To help prevent any of these uniform problems, always make sure you do your research before choosing which uniform company to order from. 

Not ordering the uniform in bulk 

More often than not, uniform companies will provide discounts to their customers when they order in bulk and you can save a significant amount of money, sometimes 20 - 30%, when you order multiple items at the same time. In order to ensure that you don’t miss out on the discounts available in this regard, always enquire about the savings for bulk orders. 

Forgetting to consider the different seasons 

When businesses order uniforms in the summer, they forget about the cold winter weather and vice versa, resulting in their employees being really cold or really warm for half of the year. It is so important to ensure that you’re thinking about how suitable a uniform is for different times of the year and seasonal uniforms are always recommended. Ordering various uniform items, from coats to short sleeve t-shirts, will help to ensure your employees are comfortable all year round. 

Choosing the wrong uniform colour 

Often, businesses will choose to incorporate their brand colours into their uniform, however, brand colours alone aren’t necessarily the most suitable solution. You always need to think practically when you’re choosing the colour for your uniform to ensure that your employees still look presentable at the end of the working day, no matter what their job role entails. 

Overlooking washing and ironing 

No matter what uniform items you’re interested in ordering for your employees, it is likely that you will have a selection of different materials to choose from. So many businesses overlook not only the durability of the uniform material but also how easy it is to maintain. Ideally, you should make things as hassle-free as possible for your employees and, when you’re able to, avoid materials that require dry cleaning or need to be ironed. 

Not providing employees with spare uniforms 

It isn’t uncommon for businesses to forget all about spares when they’re ordering their uniforms and they will only order a couple of each item for their employees to wear. Not having spares to hand can result in employees having to wear their own clothes to work if their uniform gets lost or damaged whilst you order new items for them. So, spares are really useful to order. 

Ordering new uniforms for your business 

Hopefully, now that you know what some of the most commonly made mistakes are uniform-wise, you can ensure that you’re not making them too when ordering your business’s new uniforms. It goes without saying that you can save a lot of time and money by getting your uniforms right the first time around, so be sure to bear in mind everything mentioned above when placing your next order. 

No matter what industry sector your business falls under or what uniform items you’re looking to purchase, you can rely on us here at Promowear to be the best uniform company to turn to. We are an Irish owned company that supplies a vast selection of high-quality uniforms and corporate clothing items, and with many years of experience in the clothing industry, you will be in good hands when you enlist our help. We pride ourselves on offering an end-to-end service to our customers and we can provide you with the comprehensive assistance you need with your uniforms to make sure you don’t make any costly mistakes. 

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